What is Expected of Mentees?

  • Drive the relationship. Be the first to make contact with your mentor, respond to all communications in a timely manner, and take the initiative to set up consistent in-person meetings. One tip is to always end each meeting “when should we meet next?” so that you can get a date on the calendar after comparing both of your schedules.
  • At your first meeting, determine when and how you will connect with your mentor.
  • Agree and commit to the expectations and goals you set with your mentor.
  • Be receptive to suggestions and feedback from you mentor. Criticisms will only be offered in an effort to help you grow professionally.
  • Approach your mentorship relationship with respect, professionalism, and an open mind.
  • Keep your goals and those of your mentor in mind during every interaction. Remind yourself, what goals did we set out to accomplish? This will help you keep track of your progress and help lead toward a successful mentorship relationship.
  • Be mindful of when the relationship has reached its natural end; if all of the goals you set have been achieved then it may be time to find another mentor to tackle another set of goals. 
  • Send your feedback and suggestions for improvement periodically to facultymentoring@wakehealth.edu. As this is a new program, we’d greatly appreciate your candid feedback.
  • Tell your colleagues about the value of being a mentee. As a new program, we rely on word of mouth referrals to promote the program.